1.5 million Australians live in Housing Stress* and the shortage of affordable and social housing is one of the biggest social issues facing Australia today,
Ellenbrook Management is proud to partner with the organisation, Homes for Homes, to provide the opportunity for people building a new home at Ellenbrook to be part of making a difference in this area.
(*meaning they spend more than 30% of their household income on rent.)

How does the Homes for Homes initiative work?
By signing up to Homes for Homes, you will agree to donate 0.1% of the sale price of your home (if and when you ever choose to sell) to Homes for Homes so that they can build a portfolio of homes across Australia for the homeless.
So, for example if you sell your home in approximately 10 years’ time for $700,000, $700 of that sale will be donated to Homes for Homes.
When you sign a contract with us, a caveat is placed on the title of your home. When you sell, the donation is paid as a settlement disbursement and the donation is 100% tax deductible.
Please note that participation in this initiative is completely voluntary and the caveat can be removed at any time if you decide not to donate.

Homes for Homes established by The Big Issue
116,000 Australians are homeless every night and over 1.5 million live in housing stress.
Australia currently has a shortage of 200,000 social and affordable house and this gap is expected to grow to over 600,000 houses by 2030, making the lack of housing one of Australia’s biggest social issues.
One of the biggest hurdles in closing our housing gap is a lack of funding to build more social and affordable houses.
Homes for Homes has been established by well-known social enterprise, The Big Issue, and by supporting them you are supporting an urgently needed long-term sustainable source of funding to ensure all Australia’s have the opportunity to have a home.
For more information about the initiative visit the website.